Tuesday, October 26, 2010

whats inside me that still haven't come out yet this morning..

I noticed that I ate a lot yesterday.
for God sake i really regret it!!!


i started with these for breakfast
a cup of tea- two slices of garlic bread- 2 slices of banana cake.
then for lunch
a full plate of marinara spaghetti
three slices of Hawaiian 6 cheeses pizza
half loaf of this

a bowl of creamy mushroom soup
at night
about 6 pieces of goreng pisang
this at night??!!!!
will i get any better when I continuously  eating such unhealthy unbalanced foods???
I hope it will.


  1. dON'T keep junk food inside house...keep fruits..but too much fruits also can gain more calories too...wow..u give me the idea to write in my blog.tq ;)

  2. aih...same goes to me...
    if there is food on my desk...
    just eat..eat..eat..until finish....
    so..now i keep ...just some candy..hehe..

  3. i just notice something this morning...you're fatter than before...it's like your body getting pack...think you should do some work out..sit-up perhaps...

    still you look yummy to me..no worry...;)

  4. hud buat ibu mengandung bucalak saja tayang makanan dlm blog.. Ati

  5. Anonymous :: is u Linda?
    tq for the advice.. i'll try to follow it... nak lose weight mcm kau juga..

  6. annur huda :: so kita nak letak makanan di mana kah? hehe

  7. Zila :: ya i notice it too ;-(
    x sukanya la....

  8. Ati :: ala siaw ok.. bukan niat bgtu... tp kau boleh mkn bila2 masa juga d sandakan sana...

  9. mau kau yang macam dulu...tidak gemuk dan tidak kurus..just nice..sexy..
    stop eating...pegi work out..tu paha tu macam paha sh.aini balik sudah...
